Our range of single rooms is intended for our patients to have a comfortable and restful stay. Furnished with pleasant themes and cool colours, the environment is ideal for rest and recovery. Each room comes with a personal dressing table and a sofa for comfort and convenience. If a family member or caregiver needs to stay over, the sofa can be readily converted into a bed.
Our multi-bedders offer the same level of nursing care and clinical support to our patients.
Our 2-bedded rooms are designed to allow sharing of room and amenities. Each bed has a privacy curtain to provide space for individual patients to enjoy privacy and rest. The 2-bedded rooms are bright and spacious. Each patient gets to enjoy personal amenities such as a telephone and a TV.
The ward is air-conditioned with shared bathroom facilities and amenities. Each bed has a privacy curtain and a side table. Our menus offer a choice of Chinese, Malay/ Indian and Western cuisines which are served on an over-bed table.
This is an 8-bed facility located on Level 4. The ICU cares for critically ill patients with complex and life-threatening medical conditions, including support for peri-operative high-risk surgical patients.
Each patient’s bed area is fitted with physiological monitoring systems and a variety of ventilators for acute respiratory failure as well as pressure control ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
The unit is supported by a team of intensive care nurses, attending to one or two patients at a time per shift. They work in tandem with on-campus physicians and therapists. Visiting hours are 10am-12pm and 4pm-8.30pm.
The HDU cares for patients who generally need high level monitoring and management of their conditions, but do not require admission into the ICU. ICU patients whose conditions have improved may also be required to stay in HDU before being transferred to the general wards.
Patients in HDU are housed in four-bedded air-conditioned rooms, with close monitoring of their conditions by specially trained nurses. Daily assessment and continuous review of patients’ conditions are monitored through special apparatus.